Since moving to New York my creativity has come to a screeching halt. My writing is nowhere near what it was when I lived on the west coast. I'm not sure if this is because the day job I had motivated me to go home and be more creative, or if NY is just too much. If attending the best design school in the country and actually doing my creative thing for real is too much. If the pressure no longer makes it something to strive for. I think what I'm realizing is I'm this person that can't just do one thing, or have one career. I'm too much. I have too much I want to do. I was doing tech and I wanted fashion. I start doing fashion and now I want to change the world and champion other women that haven't been as fortunate as myself. This scares me because it reminds me something of my mom always told me,
I know I named you Kelly but it wasn't after the color Kelly green. The grass isn't always greener on the other side. You are never satisfied with anything. This will be a big problem in your life.
She never understood me, and for the first time ever I don't care. People can't give you what they don't have. Yes I keep striving for more, isn't that the point of life? Maybe my priorities and what I'm interested keep changing because I keep changing. And isn't that what it's all about? To keep growing? To be continually developing? And why can't I want more than just one thing or one career? I'm not static. As I've been learning in school I'm "unfixed," and probably a really inconvenient woman. But seriously it takes me being in Mexico to realize how much New York makes me miss California? Maybe it's all the tequila in this margarita or the bartender Arturo that keeps telling me everything is on the house. Shhwooowww. But people aren't this nice in New York. Which is why I wrote this rap for California:
Either way. Cali, baby, I miss you.
I miss those 2-8-0 curves, damn I like the view from there. Easily going 100 and like I just don't care.
Like that one time I took the C-Train to watch Freddy S... but ended up getting an M-I-P instead.
Clean ass record tho. Go ahead.. ask me how.
Or how about strawberry fields.. Are you sure it's me that crazy? I I I I I I thought that was you. SBP still knows me still.
San Mateo Park is full of sharks. The borough? Lmfao. Some people so poor all they have is blow. And B-Game.. Always makes my thoughts low. B, you may be gone but you still know.
What can I say that I haven't already said? Cali, baby, you're all up in the craziest of places, my head.