steve madden

hot child in the city!

Sweater: Missoni for Target; Destroyed Denim: Rag & Bone; Necklace: Happiness Boutique, Sunglasses: Prada; Platform Suede Shoes: Steve Madden

Location: Greenwich Village, NYC

At long last - my first outfit post from NYC! These photos were captured during my first week of orientation at Parsons. As you can see from the smile on my face, I am absolutely ecstatic about starting this new life of mine. I have never been surrounded by so many like minded people that share similar interests blended with an ambitious drive to create/do something bigger than themselves. It is incredible but also slightly intimidating. As recent as yesterday, I have officially completed my first week of classes and let me tell you: I dramatically underestimated how much work graduate school actually is (even when it's something I find terribly interesting!) I found myself asking these questions: Can I do this? Do I really want to do this? Is this worth the investment? However, it occurred to me, that's just the fear and self doubt talking.. as a good friend once told me, "Kelly, people don't do things all of the time because they are scared. The thing is, fear is never rooted in rational fact, ever. Don't believe me? Multiple studies support this notion. Fear is something constructed personally based on your own experiences of life. You have nothing to be afraid of." Remembering this quote during this transition is beyond comforting..

As happy as I am that I made the decision to move across the entire country alone with no support from family, financially or otherwise; this has been anything but a smooth transition. I won't go into all the details now but, damn! Silver lining: I am learning one hell of a lot about life! So much more than I ever could have if I stayed in California. I also finally feel like a fit somewhere, I feel at home in NYC, a feeling I never had in California. I know this adjustment period is temporary, the word fortitude comes to mind when I think about my life at this present moment.

Thought you might enjoy this: @ The New School, University Center for the first time. You can't fake a smile that big! 

They, (whoever they are) say the things worth doing in life are also the most challenging, what do you think? Thank you all for your tremendous support always. I feel lucky to have such a supportive blogging community behind me.




Sunglasses: D&G; Blouse: J.Crew Haberdashery; Jeans: Paige Denim; Skirt: Burberry; Sandals: Steve Madden (Thanks @RachelThompson!) All photos by: Laura Damian

Woke up this morning in a conundrum "I really want to wear my Burberry skirt to work, but it's way too short." I think leggings under skirts are so 2010, I find tights to be incredibly uncomfortable/ugly/abhorrent and frankly innate, why don't you just wear pants? Then it came to me. Why don't I just wear pants? Jeans with holes paired with the classically preppy Burberry plaid and 'Kelly Green' J.Crew? Don't mind if I do. 

The outfit is more autumn than spring so I had to pair it with nude strappy sandals to bring it back from the foliage. A very special thanks to Rachel Thompson for completely outdoing herself yet again and sending me these sandals and inadvertently making this outfit possible. 



Cashmere Cardigan: J.Crew; Dress: Forever 21; Sandals: Steve Madden; Photos: Kristine Constantino

Who says you can't wear cashmere in the summer? SUCKERS. That's who, and what do they know anyway? Reminiscent of those Sucker MC's that Run D.M.C. is always referencing, they hop into a Cadillac with a chauffeur and never come back. If we are getting technical about it, cashmere is an autumnal/winterish fabric, but that's not the point. Why quarantine certain articles of clothing only to have them emerge for specific seasons? Nobody ever liked being trapped in the closet, just ask R.Kelly. Especially if you live anywhere in c-a-l-i-f-o-r-n-i-a.

Looking pretentious doesn't necessarily mean acting the part, defy stereotypes!

I understand that my "wearing," of cashmere looks very similar to simply tying it around my neck and perhaps strutting around like my name is on a building or a yacht somewhere in the north east. #jk #gotyou I am all west coast baby (thanks Lana!) Due to the progressiveness of my geographical region I wear my cashmere in the summer, while instagramming and sipping rose. I also channel 90s grunge, allblackattacks, high top converse and wide brimmed hats. Be young, be dope be proud.

**stairway to heaven in my 911**

With that I conclude that cashmere is indeed a very capable fabric, and most reading this post are capable individuals so please, do not restrict your fabrics to Roman calendar seasons. I know, I know, the sun once never set on the Roman empire and therefore eager humans look to them as all knowing. My advice on this one: just don't, leave the Romans out of it. #GetYourCashmereCreepOn


DVF, three letters, one acronym, with a meaning of epic proportions. For those less familiar you are probably reading this post thinking, DVF, WTF? Let's begin at the beginning (what a concept!) with a small European country that has blessed the world with it's existence in a multitude of ways. I have always been a fan of Belgium and all the pleasures it has brought me in life: Chimay, Brussels, just to name a few. However,  Belgium born fashion icon/designer Diane Von Furstenberg is at the top of the list.  DVF's most notable accomplishment would hands down be the invention of: The Wrap Dress. The wrap dress elicits much of it's grandeur from being flattering on any female figure. Since the weather is starting to smile at us more each day, a DVF dress-icle is a must have essential for a summertime sans sadness (sorry Lana!)

Aviators: Forever 21, Dress: Diane Von Furstenberg, Sandals: Steve Madden

All photos taken by my good friend and colleague: Kristine Constantino:

“I never knew what I wanted to do, but I always knew the woman I wanted to be.”
— Diane Von Furstenberg

Perfect dress for the girl always on the go (or run!)

Shake it! Because if you're not movin' and groovin' you're boozin' and losin'..

Guide to being a girl rule #256: Do not forget to look back at it!