
Choices Determine Character

Scarf + White Tee + Camel Coat: J.Crew; Boyfriend Jeans: Rag + Bone; Mule Sandals: Cole Haan; Sunglasses: Ray Ban

Choose life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a big television. Choose no television. Choose washing machines, buying a car, listening to music, and electric can openers (wait what?) Choose good health, low cholesterol and dental insurance. Choose going to the gym. Choose fixed-interest mortgage payments. Choose renting. Choose to buy a “starter" home. Choose buying a mansion with money you do not have yet. Choose your friends. Choose leisure wear and matching luggage. Choose a three piece suit. Choose a T-Shirt. Choose to DIY and wondering who you are on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing/spirit-crushing shows. Choose chain smoking. Choose eating junk food. Choose to rot away. Choose to exist. Choose your future. Choose your life.

What have you been choosing lately? 

dat metropolitan museum of art tho..

@ Metropolitan Museum of Art, Upper East Side

My first time at The Met was much like how you would imagine. Overwhelmingly beautiful and significant. 'The Steps of The Met,' made famous by one of my all-time favorite TV series, Gossip Girl, and a series of relevant American films prior. The location of this museum could not be more fitting for it's grand stature. The location being, the Upper East Side with it's backyard in the expansive and illustrious, Central Park. 

@ Metropolitan Museum of Art, Upper East Side

The perfect setting for a summer's day, and a tour with my new Parsons classmates. Once inside, we were able to have an exclusive tour of a private library within The Met. This library contained fashion magazines, and other important articles that date back to the early 18th century for both American and French publications.. The ability to see these iconic relics was beyond. Check out a few of them I got to snap below: 

The first image is an illustration from a French circulation circa early 20th century, and still in remarkable condition! How cool it was to be up close and personal with something so rich in fashion history. The second and third images are part of ID magazine's anniversary collection. Clearly, my eyes were first drawn to the holographic stainless steel skull, and the legendary Kate Moss. There were only 100 copies of this special edition produced. Rendering it significant. 

Overall thoughts on The Met. It's what you would think when you imagine a typical American museum. What do I mean by that? It's heavy in what the upper echelons of society view and deem as important in the art world, aka: white wealthy folks. In recent years The Met has been contested for appropriating other cultures through exhibits, ex: China Through The Looking Glass. Another topic of controversary for The Met happened when they chose the theme "Punk" for the annual Met Ball. There is nothing less "punk" then The Met. Fashion has only begun to be taken seriously by these individuals. Fashion has come so far, especially in recent times, but still has so much further to go. I mean in terms of being taken by society as a legitimate art form. In a word, I found The Met beautiful for what it is, but would I want to spend a whole lot of time there? Probably not my kind of scene!

Snapchat: @kell_menow. First NY hot dog on the steps of The Met!

I could not leave this historical place without partaking in a NY tradition, the $2 street hot dog. Naturally, being the saucy person that I am I do not discriminate when it comes to condiments. What can I say? I like sauces I'm a saucy person.. so I put everything on it.. This was a hot dog heavy on the bun, light on the dog. Despite this, it did not make it any less delicious. 

Have any of you been to The Met or had a famous NY hot dog? What are your thoughts on both? 


Today I am very proud to announce that friend and fellow blogger, Monika from Violet Roots has spread the style blogging love in a major way by nominating me for the "Blogger Recognition Award!" What an honor. I am continually inspired by the empowering, encouraging and uplifting women I have the pleasure of meeting through my personal blog. 


1. Select 5 other blogs you want to give the Blogger Recognition Award to. (Excluding yourself and the bomb ass individual who nominated you!)

2. Write a post to show off your award. Write a brief story on how your blog got started, and as always give it back. Provide some advice to new bloggers!

3. Comment on each blog and let them know you’ve nominated them. Provide a link to the award post you created.


Truthfully, I was working at LinkedIn and bored out of my mind. I was busy with work, yes, but nothing was satisfying my creative edge. A co-worker commented on how into fashion I seemed and why don't I start a blog? I thought to myself, why haven't I done that already? www.kellmenow.com was born. How did I choose "kellmenow?" Funny story, it was actually already my Instagram handle. I remember in 2011 when Instagram first arrived on my doorstep and a good friend of mine was hounding me to make one (isn't that how it always happens?) However, I was real blocked on creating a cool handle, it was actually insanely frustrating. I remember thinking, "Wow just kill me now.." I think you can see what happened :)


Don't think you aren't good enough, ever. It's normal to have doubts and a lowered sense of confidence in starting something new that's, well a really big part of your creative self. But guess what: you are good enough. It takes a lot to put yourself out there in line for ridicule. Just getting started is half the battle and already something to be really proud of.




happiness boutique is on fleek!

Jewelry is as jewelry does and beauty is always in the eye of the beholder. When I was contacted by Happiness Boutique, an international jewelry site based in Berlin, I was absolutely thrilled! I was given full range of their extremely extensive collection and found it hard to only choose one item. As my preference for the edgy typically sways, I ended up choosing The Stunning Silver Stoned Statement Necklace. Stunning INDEED!

In the interest of full disclosure I must begrudgingly report that much to my chagrin, the initial necklace upon receipt arrived damaged. However, I quickly informed my contact and was sent a new one right away. Since I have received this piece I want to wear it with everything, it has become one of those adornments for me. I actually have to consciously not wear it because I feel it goes with every single outfit. Not only the products of Happiness Boutique ingenious and transient, but they also offer an exceptional rewards program with free shipping, from Germany! You would be silly to not take advantage.

Outfit Details

Hat: American Apparel

Black Pony Hair Slip-Ons: Kenneth Cole Reaction

Gray Crop Top + Sunglasses: Nordstrom Brand

Flared Dark Wash Jeans: Madewell

Gray Short Sleeve: Ann Taylor

Zig Zag Cardigan: Missoni for Target

Stunning Silver Toned Statement Necklace:


XOXO until next time,
