
it's not christmas, but here's my wishlist!

Greetings and salutations all! This is my first post from NYC and it even feels different. Never have I hopped off a plane and instantly felt "home". It's an incredible feeling, both electric and addictive. I spent the whole day apartment and hunting and I think I found some real contenders.. TBD however.. PS: Today I learned how to ride the subway, getting real serious about this whole New Yorker thing aren't I now?

Long story short, or short story long, I'm a student again and therefore my budget has been dramatically chopped. So what's a girl to do when she still wants to look phresh but can no longer afford the real expensive threads..? I'll tell you:! 

(1) Casual Green Cardigan Long Vest. The long vest trend, it's official, it's here to stay I need one right now and so do you. In a place as humid as NYC, this is the perfect outerwear for a HOT AUGUST NIGHT!

(2) Casual Crochet Lace Dress. The LWD or "little white dress", a term that I never heard until this summer. I'm thinking this is maybe because I rarely wear white since I figured out I am just not the girl that can do that without spilling all over it. What do you guys think? Has the LWD been around or is it one of those weird new kids that I am strangely intrigued by?

(3) Chiffon Floral Open Cut Kimono. Thank you Japan. I haven't owned a kimono since 4th grade when I saw one in a thrift store and made my mom buy it for me, but then she stole it and now I want another! I've waited long enough haven't I? Also, this price? And it's chiffon? HELLO :)

(4) Asymmetrical Split Party Dress. Hope this isn't too redundant of me, posting about (2) white dresses and all. Especially after I just stated I have a hard time with white, but I guess I'm feeling extra confident in myself tonight. Since I'm single, in NYC, it's a scorcher out here, and well I just don't have any dresses this sexy right now I thought it was about time. Don't you?

The summer is slowly coming to an end so be sure to keep the rest of sexy! Oh AND shop dress link!

XOXO Kelly


Cashmere Cardigan: J.Crew; Dress: Forever 21; Sandals: Steve Madden; Photos: Kristine Constantino

Who says you can't wear cashmere in the summer? SUCKERS. That's who, and what do they know anyway? Reminiscent of those Sucker MC's that Run D.M.C. is always referencing, they hop into a Cadillac with a chauffeur and never come back. If we are getting technical about it, cashmere is an autumnal/winterish fabric, but that's not the point. Why quarantine certain articles of clothing only to have them emerge for specific seasons? Nobody ever liked being trapped in the closet, just ask R.Kelly. Especially if you live anywhere in c-a-l-i-f-o-r-n-i-a.

Looking pretentious doesn't necessarily mean acting the part, defy stereotypes!

I understand that my "wearing," of cashmere looks very similar to simply tying it around my neck and perhaps strutting around like my name is on a building or a yacht somewhere in the north east. #jk #gotyou I am all west coast baby (thanks Lana!) Due to the progressiveness of my geographical region I wear my cashmere in the summer, while instagramming and sipping rose. I also channel 90s grunge, allblackattacks, high top converse and wide brimmed hats. Be young, be dope be proud.

**stairway to heaven in my 911**

With that I conclude that cashmere is indeed a very capable fabric, and most reading this post are capable individuals so please, do not restrict your fabrics to Roman calendar seasons. I know, I know, the sun once never set on the Roman empire and therefore eager humans look to them as all knowing. My advice on this one: just don't, leave the Romans out of it. #GetYourCashmereCreepOn