
The World Shimmers, But Not Everyone Can See It

Sunglasses: Prada; Necklace: Stone (Mexico), Coat: Calvin Klein via Goodwill, Legging Pants: BCBG, Sweater: All Saints, Backpack: Vince Camuto, Socks: The Spare Room, Los Angeles, Booties: Jeffrey Campbell

Photo Cred: Becca Aguilera, Location: West Village, New York

What is true strength? Forgiveness. A topic that has been penetrating my thoughts for the past 2 years. I always believed that true strength came from walking away and letting go. Sometimes it still does. What's harder than that? Forgiving someone. How much better has my life been since I learned this? Exponentially.. 

Just watch. I dare you to look up at the night sky tonight, and every night. In fact, do it as often as you can. Time stops in these moments and you are allowed a beautiful glimpse of eternity. None of us really know where we are or what is going on here. We are all floating in space and anything is possible. I have found that love is a state of mind. Fall deeply in love with yourself. This is the surest way to fall in love with someone else, and with the rest of existence..

If you pay close enough attention your mind is expanding with each passing moment. So is the universe. So follow your bliss. Your happiness, true happiness, matters more than anything. So figure out what it is that makes your soul flow and spend your life dwelling in it. 

I hesitate to use the word "bad" because I feel that most everything in the world has both bad and good elements. That being said, negative things may have happened to you but that doesn't mean the world is negative. Let the flowers, crystals, music, trees, dragonflies, stars, memories and dreams remind you of the magic that inherits the earth. There are no mistakes here. Everything is as it should be. Your reality will transform once you realize this. Trust the universe. The waves are headed in one direction only to be pushed back by the shore. Be like the waves and trust the process without judgement, without resistance. Nature is embedded with an infinite amount of wisdom..

brooklyn bb

Long Sleeve White Tee: James Perse; Dress: Rugby, Polo Ralph Lauren; Black Leather Waist Belt: Theory; Destroyed Denim: Paige; Platform Sandals: Prada

Spread love, it's the Brooklyn Way. A famous man once said, if you don't know who - I encourage you to research, as Mulder always said, "The truth is out there." 

I may look like I'm loving my Brooklyn (specifically Bushwick) lifestyle but that's one thing I've noticed photos are especially good at; distorting reality. Truth is, I was a young California girl in a big city and had absolutely no idea what I was doing. I signed a lease on a place with people I'd never met and it was a massive learning experience. My little Western eyes were opened up real fast.. Biggie might have been wrong, it's not all love in Brooklyn..

I have since moved out of Brooklyn into a more *royal* borough, I'll let you guess which one ;) Despite all of that BK nonsense, this was my first time ever wearing this outfit #What. I wanted to wear the Rugby dress but it's far too ostentatious for what I do everyday. l decided to challenge myself + attempt wearing it in a setting that was crazy casual, (class @ Parsons.) My go-to method for keeping it low-key is usually wearing my 'holy jeans,' underneath said item. However, when considering the upscale nature of this garment I knew I needed additional pieces. What do you think? Ever owned an item so superficially formal that you wanted to take for a ride someplace super chill? Do ya feel dat? As the homies in the bae say: Yadidimean??

hot child in the city!

Sweater: Missoni for Target; Destroyed Denim: Rag & Bone; Necklace: Happiness Boutique, Sunglasses: Prada; Platform Suede Shoes: Steve Madden

Location: Greenwich Village, NYC

At long last - my first outfit post from NYC! These photos were captured during my first week of orientation at Parsons. As you can see from the smile on my face, I am absolutely ecstatic about starting this new life of mine. I have never been surrounded by so many like minded people that share similar interests blended with an ambitious drive to create/do something bigger than themselves. It is incredible but also slightly intimidating. As recent as yesterday, I have officially completed my first week of classes and let me tell you: I dramatically underestimated how much work graduate school actually is (even when it's something I find terribly interesting!) I found myself asking these questions: Can I do this? Do I really want to do this? Is this worth the investment? However, it occurred to me, that's just the fear and self doubt talking.. as a good friend once told me, "Kelly, people don't do things all of the time because they are scared. The thing is, fear is never rooted in rational fact, ever. Don't believe me? Multiple studies support this notion. Fear is something constructed personally based on your own experiences of life. You have nothing to be afraid of." Remembering this quote during this transition is beyond comforting..

As happy as I am that I made the decision to move across the entire country alone with no support from family, financially or otherwise; this has been anything but a smooth transition. I won't go into all the details now but, damn! Silver lining: I am learning one hell of a lot about life! So much more than I ever could have if I stayed in California. I also finally feel like a fit somewhere, I feel at home in NYC, a feeling I never had in California. I know this adjustment period is temporary, the word fortitude comes to mind when I think about my life at this present moment.

Thought you might enjoy this: @ The New School, University Center for the first time. You can't fake a smile that big! 

They, (whoever they are) say the things worth doing in life are also the most challenging, what do you think? Thank you all for your tremendous support always. I feel lucky to have such a supportive blogging community behind me.



part(y)ing is such sweet sorrow

Blazer: Theory; "The Bags Under My Eyes Are Prada" Tee: My Own; Black Jeans: J.Brand; Necklace: Maxwell; Sunglasses + Shoes: Prada

..but wouldn't it be nice if it didn't always have to be?

This post is a bit more personal than usual. Personal as in I do not normally talk about the people in my life via my blog as I try to keep it strictly fashion oriented, however I felt this necessary to speak on. Change is constant, change is hard. I am rather adaptable to changes, but that doesn't mean I sail through them with great ease either. In my opinion, there are no happy endings, to me, endings are the saddest part. I am thankful for a happy middle and a very happy start. 

This week I celebrated leaving my corporate job in Silicon Valley so that I could pursue my dream of design in NYC. I have been blessed the last year and a half to have been surrounded by not only great co-workers, but people that I am proud to call friends. A special thanks to Shenna Huynh for planning this "Farewell Fashionista Party" on my behalf; your positivity and generosity never cease to amaze me! Obviously, I had to leave "in style" ;) 

These amazing humans that I will miss having in my life everyday: Dave, Patrick, Allene, Marc, Iain (NO HANDS!), Jamie, Gehrig, Rachel, Matt, Or, Lauren, Myself, Shenna (LADY IN RED), Steph waving goodbye to me!

A completely skull themed table, perfect for #SkellyKelly. My move to the bEAST coast is starting to feel real: the car has been sold, my apt is devoid of all furniture except a bed, goodbye parties have been had, and boxes have been packed. I am so excited for this next chapter but I can't help but feel a little sad/scared about everything I am leaving behind. I suppose I should consider myself lucky to have such good friends that I am going to miss so much. I also think that being scared means I am doing something right. To be this young and feel "comfortable", is not what I want for myself or my life.. (queue sailing off into the sunset)

XOXO, all my love.