cardigan cutie


Cashmere Cardigan: J.Crew; Dress: Forever 21; Sandals: Steve Madden; Photos: Kristine Constantino

Who says you can't wear cashmere in the summer? SUCKERS. That's who, and what do they know anyway? Reminiscent of those Sucker MC's that Run D.M.C. is always referencing, they hop into a Cadillac with a chauffeur and never come back. If we are getting technical about it, cashmere is an autumnal/winterish fabric, but that's not the point. Why quarantine certain articles of clothing only to have them emerge for specific seasons? Nobody ever liked being trapped in the closet, just ask R.Kelly. Especially if you live anywhere in c-a-l-i-f-o-r-n-i-a.

Looking pretentious doesn't necessarily mean acting the part, defy stereotypes!

I understand that my "wearing," of cashmere looks very similar to simply tying it around my neck and perhaps strutting around like my name is on a building or a yacht somewhere in the north east. #jk #gotyou I am all west coast baby (thanks Lana!) Due to the progressiveness of my geographical region I wear my cashmere in the summer, while instagramming and sipping rose. I also channel 90s grunge, allblackattacks, high top converse and wide brimmed hats. Be young, be dope be proud.

**stairway to heaven in my 911**

With that I conclude that cashmere is indeed a very capable fabric, and most reading this post are capable individuals so please, do not restrict your fabrics to Roman calendar seasons. I know, I know, the sun once never set on the Roman empire and therefore eager humans look to them as all knowing. My advice on this one: just don't, leave the Romans out of it. #GetYourCashmereCreepOn

purple people eater

Nothing says, "purple people eater," quite like a headless human. Heads are overrated anyhow, right? I will always remember something my grandfather told me when I was 17:

Want to lose 15 ugly pounds? Chop off your head.
— Grandpa

Such a wise man he is, well look I did it! Am I skinny now? *sigh* #whatever. I'm sure each of us have a color that we naturally gravitate towards. If you don't know, just go look in your closet or armoire, or wherever it is you keep your dressings. In my case, I love purple. My predilection for this color started at the naive age of 4. Similarly at that somehow defining time in my life, a friend's Dad (lord only knows how I remember this; considering most of what happened prior to 2006 is a total blur) remarked, "Kelly, you know one day you'll like boys more than you like the color purple." I don't know mister, you see, my purple ensembles will never wake up one day and tell me they don't love me anymore. Thanks for that Carrie. Moving on, it is summatime and I am still rocking a cashmere blend magenta/purple-ish scarfy. As if there is any other color I could wear with this outfit?!?! CLOTHES > BROS, don't forget it ladies!

Scarf: J.Crew, Tank: Mandy Tachis' closet, Jeans: Adriano Goldschmied, Jackie Cardigan: J.Crew, Ring: Belonged to my late grandmother, Espadrilles: J.Crew, Photos: Kristine Constantino

Cheers to all my other purple people eaters out there, get on with yo badselves! ;-)