Rag & Bone

Choices Determine Character

Scarf + White Tee + Camel Coat: J.Crew; Boyfriend Jeans: Rag + Bone; Mule Sandals: Cole Haan; Sunglasses: Ray Ban

Choose life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a big television. Choose no television. Choose washing machines, buying a car, listening to music, and electric can openers (wait what?) Choose good health, low cholesterol and dental insurance. Choose going to the gym. Choose fixed-interest mortgage payments. Choose renting. Choose to buy a “starter" home. Choose buying a mansion with money you do not have yet. Choose your friends. Choose leisure wear and matching luggage. Choose a three piece suit. Choose a T-Shirt. Choose to DIY and wondering who you are on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing/spirit-crushing shows. Choose chain smoking. Choose eating junk food. Choose to rot away. Choose to exist. Choose your future. Choose your life.

What have you been choosing lately? 

hot child in the city!

Sweater: Missoni for Target; Destroyed Denim: Rag & Bone; Necklace: Happiness Boutique, Sunglasses: Prada; Platform Suede Shoes: Steve Madden

Location: Greenwich Village, NYC

At long last - my first outfit post from NYC! These photos were captured during my first week of orientation at Parsons. As you can see from the smile on my face, I am absolutely ecstatic about starting this new life of mine. I have never been surrounded by so many like minded people that share similar interests blended with an ambitious drive to create/do something bigger than themselves. It is incredible but also slightly intimidating. As recent as yesterday, I have officially completed my first week of classes and let me tell you: I dramatically underestimated how much work graduate school actually is (even when it's something I find terribly interesting!) I found myself asking these questions: Can I do this? Do I really want to do this? Is this worth the investment? However, it occurred to me, that's just the fear and self doubt talking.. as a good friend once told me, "Kelly, people don't do things all of the time because they are scared. The thing is, fear is never rooted in rational fact, ever. Don't believe me? Multiple studies support this notion. Fear is something constructed personally based on your own experiences of life. You have nothing to be afraid of." Remembering this quote during this transition is beyond comforting..

As happy as I am that I made the decision to move across the entire country alone with no support from family, financially or otherwise; this has been anything but a smooth transition. I won't go into all the details now but, damn! Silver lining: I am learning one hell of a lot about life! So much more than I ever could have if I stayed in California. I also finally feel like a fit somewhere, I feel at home in NYC, a feeling I never had in California. I know this adjustment period is temporary, the word fortitude comes to mind when I think about my life at this present moment.

Thought you might enjoy this: @ The New School, University Center for the first time. You can't fake a smile that big! 

They, (whoever they are) say the things worth doing in life are also the most challenging, what do you think? Thank you all for your tremendous support always. I feel lucky to have such a supportive blogging community behind me.



The Skelly Kelly

49ers Long Sleeve Tee: XXXL (the desperate act of a desperate woman); Shades: Ray Ban; Destroyed Denim Shorts: Rag & Bone; Converse High Tops (not the new style, and how "new" is that new style anyway?); Skull Necklace: Tanya @ Attraction 2 Fashion

Photos by: Alex DeMenno

Hi everybody! In case you all weren't aware, I am totally a tomboy! While this look is certainly more dressed down then I normally do, rest assured there is a method to this "madness". Firstly can we please look at my necklace? It is a gold chain skull attached to red plated plastic cut out frame. Now, for anyone aware of my predilection for skulls it will come as no surprise that I am adorning one; however this one is special.

When my blog first started getting traction I realized how amazing this blogging community was and how it is filled with incredible individuals like, Tanya @ Attraction 2 Fashion. Tanya, wore this same necklace in one of her posts and I commented on it, "OMG I love that skull! It looks amazing!" When she responded back, "Do you want it? I am all about sending pieces I have to other bloggers in the community at no cost to you." My jaw dropped to the floor, just like that, she sent me HER necklace with a  kiss! A stylish woman with an absolute heart of gold. THANK YOU TANYA! A friendship is born.

The enchanting necklace was difficult for me to wear for a period of time. Mostly because of it's color, red. Having lavender hair for quite some time, red was a hard color to pull off. Eventually my hair faded back to blonde and I thought, OK I have no idea so let's just do do red/gold on red/gold. The only other red/gold item I had was this XXXL SF 49ers shirt that I bought desperately as a total bandwagon fan when they "almost" won the super bowl. Thought I'd never wear it again, but never say never right? The destroyed denim and converse are total staples in my summer wardrobe. Together/separate I just cannot get enough. 

What about you? Have any summer staples you can't get enough of? Or accessories that pose a challenge to match?


you don't like the clothes I wear, how I do my hair, I don't really care..

Boyfriend Jeans: Rag & Bone; Heeled Booties: Sam & Libby; Textured Sweater: Raga; Sunglasses: Forever 21; Necklace (my own)

The older I get the more I realize how many haters I have, and how quickly I unabashedly extract myself from their 'friendship'. As someone that experiments often with their clothing/lifestyle I am no stranger to hearing negative comments masked in concern, I also forget them as quickly as I hear them. So you can judge someone, so you can be negative? Wow, how original! How boring. It's easy to criticize, it's harder to create.

For all the people that always say, "Oh that looks so good on you; but I could NEVER pull that off." Why? Why can't you pull it off? Because you're scared of what other people will think? Why else wouldn't you wear something if you think it looks good? Get over it! Get over caring what others think, I assure you not only will you happier, you'll look better. 

That's the thing about fashion I find that most people don't understand, they think it's some superficial thing based only on outward appearances. While I will concede it is largely that (lol), there's also a lot more to it. If you're confident in yourself and who you are, it's obvious, "Your clothes speak before you do". It's also evident when you're not, if you feel basic, you will look basic. At the risk of sounding INCREDIBLY cliche: In a world of basic bishes - be different. Seriously. Myself and everyone you encounter on a daily basis will thank you. XOXO