Boyfriend Jeans

you don't like the clothes I wear, how I do my hair, I don't really care..

Boyfriend Jeans: Rag & Bone; Heeled Booties: Sam & Libby; Textured Sweater: Raga; Sunglasses: Forever 21; Necklace (my own)

The older I get the more I realize how many haters I have, and how quickly I unabashedly extract myself from their 'friendship'. As someone that experiments often with their clothing/lifestyle I am no stranger to hearing negative comments masked in concern, I also forget them as quickly as I hear them. So you can judge someone, so you can be negative? Wow, how original! How boring. It's easy to criticize, it's harder to create.

For all the people that always say, "Oh that looks so good on you; but I could NEVER pull that off." Why? Why can't you pull it off? Because you're scared of what other people will think? Why else wouldn't you wear something if you think it looks good? Get over it! Get over caring what others think, I assure you not only will you happier, you'll look better. 

That's the thing about fashion I find that most people don't understand, they think it's some superficial thing based only on outward appearances. While I will concede it is largely that (lol), there's also a lot more to it. If you're confident in yourself and who you are, it's obvious, "Your clothes speak before you do". It's also evident when you're not, if you feel basic, you will look basic. At the risk of sounding INCREDIBLY cliche: In a world of basic bishes - be different. Seriously. Myself and everyone you encounter on a daily basis will thank you. XOXO