Lunch Date

The Skelly Kelly

49ers Long Sleeve Tee: XXXL (the desperate act of a desperate woman); Shades: Ray Ban; Destroyed Denim Shorts: Rag & Bone; Converse High Tops (not the new style, and how "new" is that new style anyway?); Skull Necklace: Tanya @ Attraction 2 Fashion

Photos by: Alex DeMenno

Hi everybody! In case you all weren't aware, I am totally a tomboy! While this look is certainly more dressed down then I normally do, rest assured there is a method to this "madness". Firstly can we please look at my necklace? It is a gold chain skull attached to red plated plastic cut out frame. Now, for anyone aware of my predilection for skulls it will come as no surprise that I am adorning one; however this one is special.

When my blog first started getting traction I realized how amazing this blogging community was and how it is filled with incredible individuals like, Tanya @ Attraction 2 Fashion. Tanya, wore this same necklace in one of her posts and I commented on it, "OMG I love that skull! It looks amazing!" When she responded back, "Do you want it? I am all about sending pieces I have to other bloggers in the community at no cost to you." My jaw dropped to the floor, just like that, she sent me HER necklace with a  kiss! A stylish woman with an absolute heart of gold. THANK YOU TANYA! A friendship is born.

The enchanting necklace was difficult for me to wear for a period of time. Mostly because of it's color, red. Having lavender hair for quite some time, red was a hard color to pull off. Eventually my hair faded back to blonde and I thought, OK I have no idea so let's just do do red/gold on red/gold. The only other red/gold item I had was this XXXL SF 49ers shirt that I bought desperately as a total bandwagon fan when they "almost" won the super bowl. Thought I'd never wear it again, but never say never right? The destroyed denim and converse are total staples in my summer wardrobe. Together/separate I just cannot get enough. 

What about you? Have any summer staples you can't get enough of? Or accessories that pose a challenge to match?