Museum Life

dat metropolitan museum of art tho..

@ Metropolitan Museum of Art, Upper East Side

My first time at The Met was much like how you would imagine. Overwhelmingly beautiful and significant. 'The Steps of The Met,' made famous by one of my all-time favorite TV series, Gossip Girl, and a series of relevant American films prior. The location of this museum could not be more fitting for it's grand stature. The location being, the Upper East Side with it's backyard in the expansive and illustrious, Central Park. 

@ Metropolitan Museum of Art, Upper East Side

The perfect setting for a summer's day, and a tour with my new Parsons classmates. Once inside, we were able to have an exclusive tour of a private library within The Met. This library contained fashion magazines, and other important articles that date back to the early 18th century for both American and French publications.. The ability to see these iconic relics was beyond. Check out a few of them I got to snap below: 

The first image is an illustration from a French circulation circa early 20th century, and still in remarkable condition! How cool it was to be up close and personal with something so rich in fashion history. The second and third images are part of ID magazine's anniversary collection. Clearly, my eyes were first drawn to the holographic stainless steel skull, and the legendary Kate Moss. There were only 100 copies of this special edition produced. Rendering it significant. 

Overall thoughts on The Met. It's what you would think when you imagine a typical American museum. What do I mean by that? It's heavy in what the upper echelons of society view and deem as important in the art world, aka: white wealthy folks. In recent years The Met has been contested for appropriating other cultures through exhibits, ex: China Through The Looking Glass. Another topic of controversary for The Met happened when they chose the theme "Punk" for the annual Met Ball. There is nothing less "punk" then The Met. Fashion has only begun to be taken seriously by these individuals. Fashion has come so far, especially in recent times, but still has so much further to go. I mean in terms of being taken by society as a legitimate art form. In a word, I found The Met beautiful for what it is, but would I want to spend a whole lot of time there? Probably not my kind of scene!

Snapchat: @kell_menow. First NY hot dog on the steps of The Met!

I could not leave this historical place without partaking in a NY tradition, the $2 street hot dog. Naturally, being the saucy person that I am I do not discriminate when it comes to condiments. What can I say? I like sauces I'm a saucy person.. so I put everything on it.. This was a hot dog heavy on the bun, light on the dog. Despite this, it did not make it any less delicious. 

Have any of you been to The Met or had a famous NY hot dog? What are your thoughts on both?