
happiness boutique is on fleek!

Jewelry is as jewelry does and beauty is always in the eye of the beholder. When I was contacted by Happiness Boutique, an international jewelry site based in Berlin, I was absolutely thrilled! I was given full range of their extremely extensive collection and found it hard to only choose one item. As my preference for the edgy typically sways, I ended up choosing The Stunning Silver Stoned Statement Necklace. Stunning INDEED!

In the interest of full disclosure I must begrudgingly report that much to my chagrin, the initial necklace upon receipt arrived damaged. However, I quickly informed my contact and was sent a new one right away. Since I have received this piece I want to wear it with everything, it has become one of those adornments for me. I actually have to consciously not wear it because I feel it goes with every single outfit. Not only the products of Happiness Boutique ingenious and transient, but they also offer an exceptional rewards program with free shipping, from Germany! You would be silly to not take advantage.

Outfit Details

Hat: American Apparel

Black Pony Hair Slip-Ons: Kenneth Cole Reaction

Gray Crop Top + Sunglasses: Nordstrom Brand

Flared Dark Wash Jeans: Madewell

Gray Short Sleeve: Ann Taylor

Zig Zag Cardigan: Missoni for Target

Stunning Silver Toned Statement Necklace:


XOXO until next time,



Blazer: Theory; Heather V-Neck, Gold Necklace & White Jeans: J.Crew; Rock Necklace: Urban Outfitters; Purse: Hermes Birkin Bag 25cm; Patent Leather Oxfords: Nicholas Kirkwood; All photos by: Kristine Constantino

Jobs. Something most of us 20-somethings devote the best years of our life to. So why should something important equate to a stuffy sense of style? It shouldn't. Silicon Valley is a place where folks dress to the antithesis of what most would describe as professional. In fact, other geographical locations around the nation are taking note and following suit (no pun intended!)

My mother always told me, "Only boring people get bored" I adopted that into only boring people change their personal style entirely to appease fopaux office standards. Be you. Don't be that person that buys things because, "I'd never where this but don't you think it'd be really great for work?" No. Unless it's a Roberto Cavalli gown that's perfect for the reddest of carpets please do not purchase things that you plan to only wear to sequestered areas in life. That's how you end up wasting money and with a closet full of, "I never wear this, why did I buy this again? Oh well I'm too busy to return it so I guess I'll just let it sit here for 4 more years."


  1. Subtle nuances enmeshed with basics. Notice: My patent leather Nicholas Kirkwood's with pink laces and pin stripe toes? Pretty out there, however footwear allows you to do such things without appearing over the top. Footwear is also the most subtle since it covers the least amount of surface area on your body. Go buck wild! Don't wait for the next #shoesdaytuesday
  2. COLOR! Unless you have a mandated uniform squelching all creativity I highly suggest bursts of color. Notice the Birkin and how it pops against the basic-ness of the contrasting colors? A MUST. Too much color can be seen as Floridian or trying too hard. Stick to one crazy color and keep the rest neutral.
  3. DO: Buy structured architectural pieces. The blazer is arguably the only 'professional' thing about this outfit and truly pulls it together. With one piece that meets this requirement you can make the rest of the outfit pretty casual, T-shirt and jeans! Not a fan of blazers? Try a button up chambray shirt (personal favorite) or a nice pair of slacks, fitted of course.
  4. Buy clothing that actually fits. I'm piggy-backing off of #3 a tad but this is a biggy. I know the baggy clothing, boyfriend pants, sleeve-less t-shirts that show off your entire ribcage and and so on are totally in right now but let's leave those out of the office. Exceptions include: wearing one of these and making the rest of the outfit fairly upscale.
  5. Dem Jewels. Come on ladies, you're all gems so why not wear some? Statement necklaces are my personal favorite but you can really have a lot of fun with all kinds jewelery at the office. Snake/Octopus rings, cluster bracelets, that jewelry box is an oyster to any edgy professional.
  6. Easy on the Maybelline. It isn't a social outing at a bar or a party, it's work! However, if you love your job and your co-workers like myself that's pretty easy to forget. You should be caring more about what's in your mind rather than what's on your face - keep them both clear! Make up is a nice to have and I'm not saying to abolish it entirely, just don't go Kylie Jenner on us. Fake lashes and extra long nails don't exactly scream, "I'm SUPER smart and entirely focused on my job!" Know your audience.

I fully endorse the edgy professional, but as for being professionally edgy? Let's leave that to someone else..