You can buy nearly anything online via catalogue shopping today. So, what are the best ways to buy and the most note-worthy catalogues from which you should purchase? Consider a few of the below catalogue vendors for great pricing, as well as a great selection of products
How to Finding a Stunning Dress That Looks as if it was Made For You
Are you looking to find a dress that addresses your own unique and individual style? This takes planning.
Whether you want the traditional glitz and glam with elaborate 2018 gold prom dresses or want something more subtle, this article is a must-read. If you want to express this with a formal gown, a little more thought should be put into the process before putting your money down.
Here’s how:
1. Know yourself.
Truly knowing yourself is key to dressing in a way that is uniquely you.
Check your wardrobe and spot commonalities to help you further unveil your fashion personality.
2. Notice trends.
Ø Two Piece – This can be unique as it’s less traditional and more noticeable.
Ø Asymmetrical – Flattering one on most body types that stands the test of time!
3. Play with colors.
Don’t take the safe route unless you find a design that really appeals to you. Instead, consider your favorite hues and determine which would look best on your natural color palette.
4. Be bold.
Think about getting extra inspiration from Pinterest, Etsy, Facebook or even the ASOS marketplace. These sites may not necessarily direct you to the point of purchase but will get your creative brain thinking outside of the box.
6. Find inspiration via magazines, print is not dead!
It’s fair to say that celebrities do provide a lot of inspiration when it comes down to quirky, one-of-a-kind dress sense. Looking through magazines or blogs may spark an idea.
The most important thing despite the guidelines we have given is that you are confident in your gown. Don't push yourself too far where you end up feeling uncomfortable.
Sunglasses; Firmoo, Snakeprint Jeans; Hudson
What's the latest with catalogues? Are they merely an antiquated relic of the past?
20 years back, catalogue shopping usually resulted in savings, but is that still true? Yes! You just have to know when to start looking.
Shop off season. Most brands are shifting season-less, but you can still save before that massive change occurs.
If you attain a credit card with a certain store that releases a catalogue (hello Nordstrom!) There are numerous ways to save with your benefits.
How do you know if you what you've got is so good if there's nothing to compare it to? This goes for dating, jobs as well as clothing. Like many things in life, you'll most likely find yourself surprised by staggering changes in price for similar items.
Paying full price is the most ridiculous thing you could do. Find coupons, codes, and other online promos. Take advantage of already low prices!
To Kell With BodyCon Dresses!
Dress: Thrifted @ Beacon's Closet, Necklace: My own creation, Suede Booties: Vince Camuto
What even is a BodyCon dress? The widespread accepted notion of this skintight clothing article is worthy of the middle finer. How does anyone eat wearing anything deemed BodyConscious? Delusions of grandeur and Kim Kardashian bodies float around in my mind. This BodyCon B.S. first appeared in 2014 with Herve Leger and his legendary, "Bandage Dress."
body conscious
Loving the custom necklace + booties? I am selling them! Click links to make me an offer!
Necklace: My own creation, Suede Booties: Vince Camuto
According to the body conscious silhouette is meant to be worn as a second skin. Naked? However I choose to expound on this definition. Why not apply this bodily conscious terminology to any garment that flaunts the body. Therefore BodyCon does not equate skin tight. Who has desired to wear a skintight dress after 2008?
Therefore, I believe the dress I am wearing in the below photos depicts my own curated definition of what BodyCon is. This long-sleeved, floral babe is totally vintage 90s. I snatched up this baby for $12 at my local thrift shop, and New York landmark, Beacon's Closet. Why can't something like this be the ultimate BodyCon. It shows my legs, cinches my waist/arms, and half the time I am worried about it flying up and exposing my underlings; serving to make me EVEN more conscious of it's presence on my body.
Have you ever visited the ultimate BodyCon site destination @ They have a plethora of options including separates and alternative meanings to BodyCon. Give it a whirl! #kellit #kellinit #tokellwithit
I Can't Hear You Over Your Engagement Ring
The internet is a scary, beautiful, creepy, wonderful place. The one thing it does very well is give us a very curated lens into the lives of others. We take for granted life before social media and specifically all of the traditions of getting married. I have substantial opinions about weddings and to me personally it seems that the more a couple spends their ceremony and reception less the relationship actually means. It's the law of inverses - and there are studies below that prove just that. Many traditions have seemed to transcend the boundaries of space and time but nothing compares to that of the wedding ring. But why a diamond? Why on the left hand? Why even do this at all?
The Vein Of Love
The Romans may have made popular the tradition of wearing the ring on the fourth finger of the left hand. The Ancient Romans believed that the vein in this finger specifically led the blood straight to the heart. Going as far to name the vein the "vena amoris", which translates to "vein of love." When the rings were placed on the fingers of married couple, it was a representation of two hearts being connected together, for eternity and let's not forget, for everyone else to see.
Let Me Show Everyone I Know How In Love I Am
It's like "being cool," if you are cool, it shows and people know. If you have go around telling people how cool you are - people will automatically think you're not. Same goes for being love. If you are going around telling everyone how in love you are. Are you? The love between two individuals shines radiantly and everyone that encounters the couple knows. But incessant Facebook photos remind us that engagement rings are like, super important, the bigger, the better! If he doesn't spend at least 6 months of his salary on your blood diamond then he doesn't really love you. One look at Pinterest tells us people place a lot of importance on the rings, maybe more than other aspects of an engagement. In fact, 80% of proposals today include a diamond engagement ring. What a travesty!
While the concept of using an expensive piece of jewelry to commemorate a lifelong commitment is a nice sentiment, there's a lot more to diamond engagement rings than love. In fact, love has nothing to do with rings at all. Pretty sure the multibillion dollar diamond industry doesn't want you to know that the more expensive the engagement ring, the more likely the divorce?
An Assortment Of Different Metals
There can be traditions seen all over the world when it comes to marriage, and depending where you are in the world, the type of rare earthly gem varies. There is Gold, Rose Gold, White Gold, Palladium, Titanium and Platinum wedding rings for men. As we have previously agreed, rings are a visual symbol of love between two people. Sometimes the more progressive the couple the less likelihood for a ring, and in many cultures rings are worn on the ring hand. To each their own!
Beware: Expensive engagement rings are inextricably linked to higher divorce rates.
Spending six month's salary (or some other ridiculous sum) on an engagement ring is not only the norm, it's expected. But this may not be the wisest decision. According to an Emory University study from 2014. The study, by Andrew M. Francis and Hugo M. Mialon, surveyed 3,000 heterosexual couples and found that "marriage duration is inversely associated with spending on the engagement ring and wedding ceremony." Specifically, those who had spent $2,000-$4,000 were 30% more likely to get divorced.
The reason? While the study didn't find causation, but the researchers did note, "If wedding expenditures are indeed associated with debt stress, then it is possible that wedding expenses raise the likelihood of marital dissolution given that prior literature suggests a link between economic stress and marital dissolution."
And prices will only continue to go up. The average price of a ring is $5,200, according to a 2011 survey. Considering the typical American family makes less now than it did in 1989, it's not surprising that spending thousands on a piece of jewelry would put undue stress on a relationship.
Not Everything Is Tradition
The engagement ring, can be described as the new ornament for men to show their wealth via women. This itself is a relatively new concept - gaining serious traction in Western countries over the last 200 years. With this in mind, it could just as easily not be a cultural mandate. The point of this message? Wear a ring, wear an expensive ring, wear an economically conscious ring, wear an ethically conscious ring, wear no ring at all. At least now you are informed!
Third Love or First Love?
Having some bra-blems? Free the nipple? Cage the nipple? It's hard to know which way to go. As women living in contemporary society, bras are an inevitable purchase we all subject ourselves to. Did you know that 75% of women in the U.S. currently where the wrong bra size? Wearing the wrong fit, cut, shape or size for your breasts can be enormously uncomfortable not to mention cumbersome.. Time for all of you to meet: ThirdLove
As someone who often goes sans bra as often as she can, even I have to admit there are times where bras are completely necessary. Winter in New York? Definitely one of those times.. A few of my favorites below are the Lace Push Up, and the Classic Wireless Bra
The best news? Third Love is offering a 15% off discount code for this month ONLY! TL15BRABLEMSDEC
In case you prefer something a bit sexier (like myself) Lace Balconette or Collection Bra. The choices are endless!
stick it to me!
Ever wished you could design your own sticker while simultaneously possessing an endless supply of them? Wish no further. If you are anything like me, you were the kid constantly going to the sticker vending machine at the pizza parlor, depositing precious quarters in order to obtain a mystery sticker.
StickerApp allows you to select from a plethora of shapes, sizes and even fabrics for your custom sticker designs. Heard of kraft paper? This is by far my favorite, as it is made entirely from recycled materials! Check out what I created with StickerApp's innovative kraft paper option:
I won't call you basic, but are you desiring a regular rectangular sticker? Well look no further. StickerApp has that and many more in spades. If world's were oysters StickerApp would be yours ;-)
Say how you feel, leave the job you hate, find your passion, live with every ounce of your bones, stand up for things that matter, don't settle, don't apologize for who you are.... Be fucking brave
coocoo for cocomelody
Despite my very opinionated feelings about the entire concept of marriage - even I can admit this is one of the last formalities of the western world order. Where else is there such a formal set of rules that are obeyed by even the most liberal of couples? Bridal shower, bachelorette party, bachelor party, rings.. really expensive rings that somehow mean love because everyone else can see them? But most of all, the wedding dress. Given, when I do become a bride I'll be the most untraditional of them, I doubt I will even wear white; however I do realize I am in a minority with my beliefs. Women go crazy over weddings, and even crazier over their dresses. Combined with international brand Cocomelody and my very limited knowledge in the bridal arena I bring you.. guessed it! Designer wedding dresses.
And not just designer wedding dresses.. Cheap bridesmaid dresses as well. Yep, I did not think it was a thing either but apparently it is! So instead of buying an expensive dress that you wear once, buy an inexpensive garment and spend the rest on a house, or a honeymoon or whatever it is that young couples by these days when starting their lives together. The best part? There is a discount happening right this very moment and you would be a fool to not take advantage.
What do you all think about weddings and wedding dresses? Beautiful formality that should live on despite the changing gender relations in the modern world? A great place to party and an excuse to travel? Or an antiquated ritual that has no place in the world today other than to serve tax purposes? What are your thoughts??!?
yoohoo, firmoo!
Glasses: Firmoo, Blazer: Helmut Lang, Necklace: Nordstrom, Earrings: Bauble Bar, Jacket: BCBG, V Neck Tee: J.Crew, Jeans: Rag & Bone, Pony Hair Slip Ons: Kenneth Cole Reaction. Location: Soho, New York. Photos: Elena Baltzoglou
It is my sheer to delight to welcome all of you to the world of FIRMOO. Yep, your life will probably never be the same again. Check out these awesome shades FIRMOO sent. You won't believe the incredible price for this incredible quality. Worried about shipping? These babies crossed the world in 2-days. China to NYC, and I haven't taken them off since.. What do you think? I could probably write a love poem about them. Or maybe I'm still high from Valentine's Day.. Either way. International Women's Day is coming up on March 8, as is my birthday on March 4. Coincidence? I think not. It is time to cop a sweet pair of these for that special lady in your life! Thanks again FIRMOO!
state of the case: kellmenow
20% off when you use 'KELLMENOW20' at!
Have you heard of the most bad ass custom case site? Probably not. That's why I'm here to change your life and your boring phone case. If you are one of those intrepid individuals that somehow don't put cases on their phones without shattering them (seriously how do you live life like that?) or only adorn the aesthetically heinous Otterbox.. This isn't ging to be for you. If you are like the rest of us.. welcome to Case App!
20% off when you use 'KELLMENOW20' at!
Case App provides you the ability to create your own personalized case. Duh. Why pay $3 for an unoriginal eBay case ever again? The possibilities are limitless with Case App. Who doesn't like options like this? The best part? Not only is this going to be affordable with your 20% off coupon code 'KELLMENOW20', but the quality of this case is exceptional. Want to support your good friend kellmenow in an even more meaningful way? Let me know and I will get you your very own custom kellmenow case.
20% off when you use 'KELLMENOW20' at!
Check out my design. What do you think? I look forward to hearing your thoughts!
is red door synonymous with red carpet?
Elizabeth Arden Red Door Spa @ The Hotel Chatwal
I would like to start off by saying I am so sorry for my hiatus from kellmenow. Life happened, aka graduate school and an insurmountable work load took priority. The good news, finals have commenced and I am back :) I've missed you all so much. I hope you are having an absolutely lovely holiday season - I can't wait to read all about it!
On the topic of holidays, 'tis the season of giving! However, don't forget to give a little something to #1 (you!) I am all about rewarding yourself for accomplishments, big and small. In your mind, if you feel you have completed something worthy of celebration, you go ahead and celebrate it. You teach others how to treat you by how you treat yourself. If you don't celebrate your achievements, why would anyone else? In my case, a celebration came in the form of a facial at the illustrious Elizabeth Arden Red Door Spa @ The Hotel Chatwal.
The Hotel Chatwal @ 44th St.
The Red Door Spa I selected is located within The Hotel Chatwal @ 44th St. Yes that's right, 44th St. Time Square. A haven for tourists, and a deplorable place for New York natives. I guess I understand the draw: big, shiny, bright, neon lights and overpriced items. A New Yorker would avoid this place unless you've had one too many cocktails @ PhD Rooftop lounge overlooking the damn thing and exclaim, "Let's go to Time Square!" Odds are, a fully functioning brain would never pose such an idea. Time Square is also arguably the loudest place in the loudest city in the world. Despite this fact, The Red Door Spa was a vacant ghost town. You completely forgot where you were. A hard thing to accomplish in New York.
Upon arriving I am greeted by a slightly hungover, slightly British attendant. A 5-star spa that is empty due to it's less than desirable location, I am presuming since everything else is fantastic. Whatever, all those snobby individuals loss is my ultimate gain! After my hungover buddy shows me to my room I am confronted with a shower that doubles as a steamer/sauna, lotions that smell of cherubs, and access to an ethereal blue lit pool.
After I thoroughly enjoyed the lazy blue pool, I adorned the greatest robe ever made. That's right. It's that good guys. *hint*hint* my birthday is in march* I then ventured into the gym where my eyes immediately caught the gaze of a chair made of tennis balls. Instantly, my design aesthetic side was inspired and in total admiration of it! Despite reminding me of my WASP-Y heritage (smh), the thing is totally rad. It's happening guys. Tennis ball chairs are a thing now.
Time for my facial. I am reluctantly (but not really) pulled away from all the amenities by the facial whisperer, Agnes. Agnes was tremendous. You could say the elevated levels of pollution in New York, accompanied with the almost intolerable stress of moving your entire life across the country by yourself, left my skin wrecked. To put it nicely, Agnes had her work cut out for her. The facial itself was thorough, but I also felt I should have ordered a more in-depth treatment. After it ended, Agnes didn't push expensive spa products on me but instead suggested affordable ones I could purchase at a local drug store. A friend she is. I spent an hour after the facial ended just talking with her about life. I've noticed that since I moved to New York, I spend more time talking to people than would otherwise feel comfortable or appropriate. I learned she is also in graduate school, and a mom! A feat in and of itself.
Overall, I would say that YES, The Red Door Spa is synonymous with red carpet minus all those annoying pesky people! If you ever get the chance, please do check it out and request Agnes! Cheers my dears! XOXO
when was the last time you got a new shower head?
I was thrilled and slightly surprised when reached out and asked me to review products from their expansive online store. Tmart is the international online destination for high quality products at lower prices. They offer an enormous range of inventory from electronics, make up brushes, to LED shower heads! A destination for almost any type of consumer. I was completely overwhelmed by their colossal selection that I opted to have my customer service rep choose products on my behalf. I was given an LED shower head and an immense collection of make-up brushes. I am happy to share my thoughts on Tmart and their products below.
Product 1: (20) Make-Up Brushes
I am not someone who wears make-up often. That being said, it is with much sadness that I must report I have no idea what any of these brushes are for! I was given a plethora of them, 20 in total. The packaging was lacking, just plastic film with a sticky enclosure. Not visually appealing by any means, therefore I opted to not include it. Since I'm unsure how to use these brushes and a self proclaimed novice when it comes to make-up and beauty products, I welcome your thoughts and opinions on the quality and proper use of these! I definitely learned my lesson in allowing a rep to pick out products for me. Not all girls wear make-up!
Product 2: LED Shower Head
Now this was a rad come up! Upon first receipt, I laughed at the packaging. My 14 year old self watching herbal essences commercials surfaced for a quick moment :) The shower head I had prior to this one was a horrid rectangular shaped thing that was supposed to create a "waterfall" effect. Instead, it was cheaply installed became nothing more than a puttering sprinkler that cobbled on itself. I was ecstatic to remove it and place the new LED Shower Head in it's place. The best part? This shower head requires no batteries, no on switch, absolutely nothing is required from the customer aside from screwing it in place and turning the water on. On initial installation there was a slight exposure at the top. This resulted in water spraying all over me! October showers bring.. November flowers? No.. That's not right. Needless to say I was "resourceful" and put scotch tape around the connecting part and it worked like a charm!
I am now able to shower with the lights off (how economically conscious!) I did not tell my roommates I was installing this, in order to see their authentic reactions. They were overwhelming positive! One even mentioned how it started strobing blue and red on her one morning and she felt she was being chased by the cops (in a cool way!)
Overall, I have mixed feelings about The shower head product is wonderful, but the make-up brushes are essentially unusable at leas by the likes of me. The packaging is something I place importance on and I was underwhelmed by their presentation. It feels almost like Tmart wants to sell cheap things, make a lot of money, while not making a solid effort in retaining a customer base. Which I suppose they can get away with since their product range is gargantuan. I will say my rep was very communicative and quick to respond to any questions I had. But is that enough to get me to spend my money with Not sure.