hard nipples

Third Love or First Love?

Having some bra-blems? Free the nipple? Cage the nipple? It's hard to know which way to go. As women living in contemporary society, bras are an inevitable purchase we all subject ourselves to. Did you know that 75% of women in the U.S. currently where the wrong bra size? Wearing the wrong fit, cut, shape or size for your breasts can be enormously uncomfortable not to mention cumbersome.. Time for all of you to meet: ThirdLove

As someone who often goes sans bra as often as she can, even I have to admit there are times where bras are completely necessary. Winter in New York? Definitely one of those times.. A few of my favorites below are the Lace Push Up, and the Classic Wireless Bra

The best news? Third Love is offering a 15% off discount code for this month ONLY! TL15BRABLEMSDEC

In case you prefer something a bit sexier (like myself) Lace Balconette or Collection Bra. The choices are endless!