Cap: BCBG, Sunglasses: Nordstrom, Necklace: J.Crew, Mesh Black Tee: American Apparel, Pleather Leggings: HUE, Boots: Doc Marten
Location: Bushwick, Brooklyn; Photos by: Victoria Kass
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Cap: BCBG, Sunglasses: Nordstrom, Necklace: J.Crew, Mesh Black Tee: American Apparel, Pleather Leggings: HUE, Boots: Doc Marten
Location: Bushwick, Brooklyn; Photos by: Victoria Kass
Location: My front door: Bushwick, Brooklyn. Rotund Sunies, Nordstrom; Necklace + Chanel Inspired Blazer, J.Crew; Jeans, Rag & Bone; Booties, Lucky Brand
Since moving to New York 1.5 years ago I have officially lived in 3 of the 5 boroughs, all within the first 11 months. Let me you tell you it is just as bad as it sounds, if not worse. But you know what it taught me? That moving, despite mental health professionals placing the extreme emotional stress it causes on par with death of a loved one and divorce, is something I can do all by myself. In a big way. I am actually pretty proud of myself for figuring it all out without the help of anyone else. Good to do before I moved abroad? :-)
Impressed by the interiors of the real estate office I visited after 4 months of living in BK [trying to leave]
Do I wish this experience on anyone? Absolutely not. And if I'm honest I would have done some things differently so as to avoid the frequency of my moves. Did it make me stronger? Hell yeah. Did it give me more confidence in myself? Definitely.
The first place I landed was in Bushwhack, Brooklyn. I tried to make it work as long as I could. To be honest - it's not worth it. As a place, it's far removed and terribly inconvenient if you have to be in Manhattan everyday for school/work. Positives: extremely diverse population [aka I was oftentimes the only white person,] the long commute gave me time to reflect and think, trains derailed from entering Manhattan taught me extreme patience and most of all living in such an uncomfortable place allowed me to have profound appreciation for my current situation.
If you always have it good you don't know how good you have it