Is White Out the New Black Out?

This may come as a proverbial shock to many of you, but: I have never been to a white party. I do not remember if the reason is because I was never invited, or if the thought of one just strikes me as, well, weird? Why is there always an influx of ‘white parties’ during summer months? Miami? New York? Even San Francisco have their fair share. Why is this color the most coveted? I never hear of orange or purple parties? White seems virginal, but something tells me that is opposite of what goes down at these shindigs. Despite my aversion to attending such a soiree in the past I have always had thoughts on what I would wear to one.. That is, if my mind ever warms up to the idea:


Outfit #1: I’m Like a Bird (but not) Legit giving me Peter Cottontail fantasies. Should I even say that out loud? A textured skirt paired with a slight peplum top complete with a same seam geometric print. I’ll fly home for the summer.


Outfit #2: Baby Got Back (and legs and arms) What is it about a backless ensemble that sends my heart a flutter? Could this be any more inspiring for a spinal tattoo?

Outfit #3: If I was a Supermodel.. *sigh* Alessandra Ambrosio, a genetic pool of perfection. I admire her brain too, of course. Look at her pairing of this shapely dress with horizontal + vertical paneling paired with a matching floor length jacket. She. Is. A. Scream.

Outfit #4: Rule 35, Always be a Badass Do you need more of a b@d@$$ influence in your life? Look no further. Europeans have this down to a scien(tific method.) White blazer, matching slacks, black bra, purple pumps + sunglasses. If you weren’t the coolest person in all of the Northern Hemisphere - you are now.

What is your favorite of my selections? Let’s not forget about my date. I rarely take +1s to events because really: who needs all the questions that will surely entail and, what if my date annoys the hell out of me? Regardless, you can ascertain he will look damn fine in an outfit of my choosing, specifically The White Jacket Tux from The Black Tux. Men rarely wear white and when they do, I swear they all look scrumptious in it.

Do yourself, and your man a favor and cop him any of the great styles of tuxedos and suits The Black Tux has to rent, before the summer ends! Unattached? Start looking for summer love everyday.. Not just the weekends! Time is running out! 

You know you love it.


Choices Determine Character

Scarf + White Tee + Camel Coat: J.Crew; Boyfriend Jeans: Rag + Bone; Mule Sandals: Cole Haan; Sunglasses: Ray Ban

Choose life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a big television. Choose no television. Choose washing machines, buying a car, listening to music, and electric can openers (wait what?) Choose good health, low cholesterol and dental insurance. Choose going to the gym. Choose fixed-interest mortgage payments. Choose renting. Choose to buy a “starter" home. Choose buying a mansion with money you do not have yet. Choose your friends. Choose leisure wear and matching luggage. Choose a three piece suit. Choose a T-Shirt. Choose to DIY and wondering who you are on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing/spirit-crushing shows. Choose chain smoking. Choose eating junk food. Choose to rot away. Choose to exist. Choose your future. Choose your life.

What have you been choosing lately? 

Wearing Jackets During Spring-Summer Season in New York

Wearing Jackets During Spring-Summer Season in New York

Slowly transitioning from the tail end of spring into the comforting atmosphere of summer won’t be as hard compared to other seasons. For one, spring and summer collections feature almost – if not – the same bright colors, fun patterns, and light materials. Lifestyle website Glamour Magazine has even curated a list of the ten outfits influenced by this some of the most prominent fashion shows today.

From flowy dresses, to leather rucksacks, to boho-chic sandals, the season highlights an assortment of easy garments that can be worn with less effort yet maintain a high sense of style. Having said all of these, it has become fairly simple to disregard an article of clothing that – in a way – tends to be relegated at the back of the closet during the summer.

According to the city’s website, as wet and as cold as New York’s winter is from December to February, its summer is on par in terms of heat and humidity. Indeed, the season doesn’t necessarily require having a dependable jacket; but it wouldn’t hurt to have one ready for the office or a casual night out with friends.

Fashion ecommerce platform Lyst has a way of differentiating professional and informal jackets accordingly. Office jackets should include tailored blazers and waistcoats, while they feel you should be wearing bombers, parkas, and denims for casual nights out. This gives women an idea on the types of jacket to wear in the summer – considering the temperature, the venue, and the occasion at the same time.

This season’s main style trends combine the modification of materials and fabrics, with each pattern’s cheerfulness and brightness. In short, jackets are mainly asymmetrical in shape with a slight hint of floral designs here and there. Additionally, the familiar black and brown, as well as sandy-reddish, leather jackets make an impact when it comes to color and style.

Based on the style gurus of Dress Trends, black or brown leather jackets go well with the season because of its versatility and usefulness. Ladies can wear this on top of a nice flowery dress, or better yet, have one that has touches of floral prints. Conversely, the bright sandy-reddish ones complement white skirts, blouses, or trousers for a more professional look.

Altogether, wearing jackets in the summer doesn’t sacrifice comfort for the sake of high fashion. These transitional clothes offer a viable alternative for expressing women’s individuality, while maintaining proper style and sophistication regardless of the season.

Adore Me? Adore You.

Bikinis are like statistics: what they reveal is suggestive, but they conceal is vital

Summertime fine, well friends it is finally upon us here in the norther hemisphere. Summer is without a doubt the most looked forward to of the seasons. Most of the time it's associated with freedom, fun trips and the 4th of July. In New York, it's getting hot -- I hope you're all ready because this one's going to be a scorcher..

Originally from California, I admit bias in this statement: I am a firm believer that CA swimwear brands really do it best. #InThereLikeSwimwear. One I am presently obsessed with is Cali-Dreaming. As a self proclaimed bikini hoarder, the problem I often experience is that most styles are more of the same year after year. Same silhouette, same story, same everything #boringAF. Cali-Dreaming is changing the game.. 

However, they aren't the only ones with a dope bikini hustle this summer. Another company worth scoping is Starting as a lingerie brand (check it out here: AdoreMe Lingerie,) think Victoria's Secret but actually a secret and provenly more accepting of all body types. I'm a firm believer that beauty is not an age, a number, a face or a size. For someone in fashion I know it's radical for me to say: I think that beauty has nothing to do with what you look like and everything to do with what's in your heart. Companies such as AdoreMe are really paving the way for accepting all kinds of beauty -- not just the size 2 tall blonde white girl. Want to support something different? Give them a try. The price is also wildly affordable considering how pricey two pieces of cloth are becoming these days ;)

Lani Bikini @

What are your plans for the summer? Vacations? Self improvement ventures? Summer love? Be sure to start looking for summer love soon.. Not just the weekends! Weekdays too :-) Make it count.. I know I will..