


What is with routines? Why have I been consistently told throughout my 24 years of life by those that I thought knew what was best for me, "Kelly, you should really settle into a routine. Kelly you would feel so much better if your life was more routine".

Why is that? Why would settling into anything at 24 feel good? I'm not a person that needs routines to feel good about myself. I actually enjoy the unexpected, not planning every second of everyday. It is a trait I truly like about myself, I am quite fond of it in other people as well. 

The very definition of a routine is, "Performed as part of a regular procedure rather than for a special reason". Synonyms: standardregularcustomarynormalusualordinarytypical. None of those words are remotely near what I strive to be, nor what I want out of my life. 2015 is going to be different. I am finally free. Free of all these voices of people that think they know what is best for me, when in fact they don't know me at all. 

Some routines are enjoyable. I listen to music on full-volume while lifting weights at the gym after work.  Walking to the kitchen every morning at the office with my colleagues. It's just something we do. I would say it is normal and typical, but it's also great. I suppose routines involving others/music are special. In fact, it doesn't feel routine at all. It feels fun. I was always told, "Kelly, you can't have fun all of the time". Well why not? Why can't I have fun all of the time? You should enjoy what you do for a living, and you should enjoy who you do it with. Every person you choose to interact with should make you feel amazing just by being around them. Don't sell yourself short. Don't settle for an average/routine life when you deserve an incredible one. In the words of Dr. Seuss, "Those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind". People will judge whatever you do - might as well do what you like.



When "coffee" is more than coffee

I understand it takes real confidence to ask the lady you're fancying out on a date.  Whatever you've been through -- that ish takes real character! Lezzbe honest men these days don't know how to be gentlemen (most of the time). Call me old fashioned, but I don't think chivalry is dead, nor will I ever settle for less than what I believe I deserve. You can quote me on that.

What's with this coffee thing? I have to be real - this is not something I'm familiar with but lately I've been asked out on a few coffee dates. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate coffee. I don’t drink it often (unless it's a coffee bean hazelnut latte,) but I'd rather drink merlot. Starbucks doesn't serve that yet. Time to maximize that franchise.

I'm a private person so discussing my personal life, especially as it pertains to the male species (yes they are another species!) is out of character for me. Recently one of my former bosses has asked me out for “coffee” I replied with, 

“Are you asking me on a d8?!” 

He said "yes", so why did he only go halfway? It's obvious what his real intentions are but why did he half ass it? It's my opinion and I'm only 24 (he's a bit older,) but I feel it's sort of silly to ask a girl for coffee.  If you want to meet me, let’s go on a date and call it a date.  In complete transparency if I wouldn’t go on a date with you, I wouldn’t go for “coffee,” with you either. It's the same thing boys. If you are trying to get on my good side let's throw some red wine into the mix. Your odds and my mood will be better. According to the well revered, Dictionary.com, "date" is defined as :

"A social appointment, engagement, or occasion arranged beforehand with another person."

Is coffee cheaper? Is that what's happening? I learn through what I've been through. Not complicated it's simple. I am a cheap date but Starbucks is far too basic for a chick like myself. We have to go somewhere where pastries aren't the only thing available in solid form. Plus how cute can I really look at Starbucks? It's not happening. Stop trying to make it happen.

If neither of you felt some sort of magnetic pull or romantic chemistry if you will, the concept of a date would have never been on the table (pun intended!) Am I right or am I right? Maybe you're testing the waters because you want something to be there so badly, or you want to make certain; either way you're feeling some type of way.


I love you, you hate me – You love me I hate you #WTF

What is up with that aspect of human nature? I mean seriously.

You want what you can’t have, and then when it’s available you no longer want it. Is it the thrill of the chase? A case of fatal attraction? Or is it something more masochistic?

I have always pondered the allure between perfectly nice looking, wonderful girls with big hearts and their obsession with douchebags. What is with that? You treat him amazing and he treats you as carelessly as scarf going out the window of a moving car. Do guys love bitches? Or does he just hate you? And if he hates you why does he keep coming around? Because he can? Because you let him? Because it’s a game? Is that a fun game to be a part of? Maybe he’s totally hot? But how long can you use that excuse, “Well he’s totally inconsiderate and for the large part oblivious to my emotions….but he’s really attractive!!!” Good looks are not an excuse for bad behavior, and even in your mid-20s (yikes!) I realize this is especially easy to overlook/forget. Woman up!

Every guy wants a girl who is bad only for him and every girl wants a bad boy who is good only for her.
— Evette Carter


More so why do self respecting women put up with this type of behavior from guys when they don’t have to? There are plenty of men lining up to treat them well and give them the type of attention they deserve. It boggles my mind. Do you think these women are just not ready for a mature relationship or are they part masochist: having deep seeded, maybe even an unconscious belief that they deserve to be treated terribly. Honestly, how can you put up with that sort of behavior for any long duration of time if you don’t deep down think you are worthy of anything better? These are the glory years of your life – your 20s! Ditch the dude that only sees you when feels like it, complains the whole time, and spend it with your girlfriends or people that ACTUALLY care about you.

Long story short: Don't settle for a bad boy when you deserve a good man.

Frenemies, what up with them?

I thought it would be an appropriate time to bring up the concept of frenemies in honor of it almost being Spring - high time for spring cleaning! The more years around the sun I complete, the more evident it becomes that some of my so-called “friends”, do not have the best of intentions. What up with them?

Who would want a frenemy? Until recently I prided myself on not having any; then I realized I had a few. We will focus on one of each gender – keeping it all in the family! Equal opportunity back-stabbing!

Frenemy #1: Brian*

Brian is a douchebag. Brian is the guy who only talks to you when he wants something you have, wants something from you, or needs you to perform a task he can’t get anyone else to do. Brian is such a frenemy.

Brian’s sexuality is questionable and his motives are just as blurry. We started out dating since we were attracted to one another. Then it became painfully clear that there was something seriously wrong with this individual’s mind. For instance, whenever the conversation got deeper than “What did you eat for breakfast?” Brian could no longer handle speaking English. Brian started speaking in *Mongolian, a language he knew I did not understand. REALLY. I do not know how he knew this language considering he was definitely NOT Mongolian. Whenever I asked how he learned the language, he retreated further into Mongolian.

I found this alluring and sort of cute in the beginning, cute in a bizarre way. As time went on this weird defense mechanism Brian seemed to pull out when things got “heavy”, not only confused me, but entirely turned me off. How could a 24 year old be unable to articulate thoughts and feelings? Oh and then there was the fact that he completely “forgot” to show up on my birthday last year. #later.

Why am I still friends with this person? What an excellent question. I’m not, not really. It’s the type of friendship that consists of a random text every 3-4 weeks. Needless to say we have had our rocky moments, but we have also had some great times. So great, that I let bilingual Brian with the questionable sexuality spend a good month enticing me to be his roommate for our senior of college. WTF? Side note: This didn’t happen.

To say this individual has no idea who he is would be entirely accurate. Brian constantly criticizes my clothing sense (whatever, shut up) the people I hang with and my overall demeanor. I realize he does this because he is so unsure of who he is and what he wants. His self-absorption runs so deep that he has no idea how to show compassion for other people. I eventually learned to not take anything he says seriously. I know he cares for me but I also have to expect that his sharp tongue will emerge and when it does, I need to chop it off. Most recently, he offered to pay me handsomely for an article of clothing he once let me borrow(?) Who the hell pays their friends to return clothing? Whatever, I’ll take $200.

Frenemy #2: Allison*

Allison is a different type of frenemy, the type that is not as blatant and direct as the aforementioned Brian. Allison is a girl frenemy. This means she is conniving, thinks things through (or doesn’t). Either way all of her moves are calculated. Allison is a good time, but that’s about all she is. Allison has little to no ambition to improve her life and tries her best to hold you back from accomplishing anything in yours. Allison is the type of girl who complains about everything, takes no responsibility, and thinks a 6-pack is the most attractive thing about a man’s personality. Yes I said personality. Allison is the shallow woman that has no idea that she’s shallow. In fact, she thinks she’s intelligent, deep and personal – which she will tell anyone– just ask her. But let’s be honest, if you say something repeatedly -– does that make it any more true? Allison craves attention, from just about everyone (but especially men.) This need for constant affirmation  is so strong that she is willing to lie, cheat, sell-out, or back stab any of her friends in order to achieve this goal. Sound like high school? Well she’s 25.

“Don’t be afraid of enemies that attack you, be afraid of friends that flatter you.” This is the ultimate tagline for Allison. I’ve spent more nights waiting alone in the cold for Allison, only to realize that she would never come. She must have been too busy and too enthralled with her new boy flavor of the week. Allison has no regard or reverence for deep personal relationships with females. Hello mommy and daddy issues! She fails to see what women can do for her, takes them for granted and quickly starts new friendships as soon as the others end. Nothing to lose. Women like Allison are the most dangerous, and must be avoided at all costs! I feel bad for these individuals and wish I could help them. But I can’t. So please feel free to read about their lives via Facebook/Instagram/Whatever is popular, for these women are complete narcissists who NEED AND CRAVE the attention that is the essence of social media. Cutting these women out of your life will only make you happier. They won’t give you a chance to miss them because they will be all over your newsfeed – I assure you!

P.S. Bye lovers!!! xoxo

*Names/ Languages have been changed to protect the innocent (innocence is a relative term)