
Passive Aggressive Men: Why They're Not Worth It And Never Will Be

Passivity by nature is something I am weary of when it comes to friends, and especially the men I become involved with. As passivity is often coupled with something much more red flag worthy - aggression. Myself, being overly blunt in most situations, has never had much patience for passive aggression. Say what you mean so we can move on! Nothing is less sexy than a passive man. If you don't want to do something, don't do it. Instead, passive men do the said activity and make you pay for it later in covert ways that leave your head spinning as to why he is acting in such a way.


Humans are incredibly varied, even being from the same family, same town, same school, none of this really matters because of inherent differences that make us special. Conflicts undoubtedly arise, and it's juvenile of you to think this is something that can be avoided. Screaming matches that involve slamming doors, throwing iPhones at walls, or black paint on a white carpet are at the very least non-productive. In fact, they are extremely unhealthy. However, expressing your thoughts and feelings is something you should unquestionably be able to do. If he starts to say in response, "You're so demanding. You're over-analyzing," that's degrading and conveniently takes all the blame off him and shifts it to you. Never apologize or question having respect for yourself. You know how you want to be treated, how you should be treated. If something bothers you, you should be able to talk about it openly, honestly, maturely with your partner. If you attempt to do this and your partner starts in along the lines of, "I don't like conflict. I don't like fighting. I don't think this. I don't want to do this." You are dealing with a passive aggressive man. What he's really saying is: "I don't want to be criticized, or to admit I have done anything wrong. You call me out when I do something you don't agree with, and I don't like it. I cannot show that I have become emotionally attached to you." 


Suddenly, everything is your fault! He can't win for losing and he just, "Can't do anything right!!!" This man is excellent at making you feel like you have wronged him, he is incapable of making situations about anything except him. You're upset about something that happened at work earlier so naturally he exclaims, "Wow I must have done something wrong! I know I did!" Apparently everything you do is about him, as if you don't have a life and interests of your own outside of the relationship. Which is insulting to say the least.


#Pussy. You already have one, you don't need another one! Most of the time, he'll tell you he's scared. Don't think that's 'cute', or something charming. He's afraid of developing emotions and feelings for someone he cannot control. Do not kid yourself. This calm, cool, collected guy is anything but. This is why they can be so hard to differentiate. Passive aggression is all about control. Withholding actual thoughts and feelings and punishing you for them at later dates so that the doesn't have to go through the 'trouble' of being open. God forbid he expose any part of himself. He never argues, he tries to see you, he is just such a nice guy.. The message is puzzling because it sends the opposite message than most negative behaviors send. The only women I've seen able to be in a relationship with a man like this are passive aggressive themselves. Therefore avoiding any sort of real intimacy or disclosure from both parties. #UnLatched


It's entirely normal to get angry or frustrated when something that's angry or frustrating happens. It's perfectly healthy to communicate this message in a mature way to your partner. If they care for you, and want to make their relationship with you work, they will apologize and take responsibility if need be. This course of action is a two-way street, meaning you have to listen and take responsibility as well.. My two-cents: Avoid passive aggressive men unless you are a mind-reader and have exceedingly low expectations.

When "coffee" is more than coffee

I understand it takes real confidence to ask the lady you're fancying out on a date.  Whatever you've been through -- that ish takes real character! Lezzbe honest men these days don't know how to be gentlemen (most of the time). Call me old fashioned, but I don't think chivalry is dead, nor will I ever settle for less than what I believe I deserve. You can quote me on that.

What's with this coffee thing? I have to be real - this is not something I'm familiar with but lately I've been asked out on a few coffee dates. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate coffee. I don’t drink it often (unless it's a coffee bean hazelnut latte,) but I'd rather drink merlot. Starbucks doesn't serve that yet. Time to maximize that franchise.

I'm a private person so discussing my personal life, especially as it pertains to the male species (yes they are another species!) is out of character for me. Recently one of my former bosses has asked me out for “coffee” I replied with, 

“Are you asking me on a d8?!” 

He said "yes", so why did he only go halfway? It's obvious what his real intentions are but why did he half ass it? It's my opinion and I'm only 24 (he's a bit older,) but I feel it's sort of silly to ask a girl for coffee.  If you want to meet me, let’s go on a date and call it a date.  In complete transparency if I wouldn’t go on a date with you, I wouldn’t go for “coffee,” with you either. It's the same thing boys. If you are trying to get on my good side let's throw some red wine into the mix. Your odds and my mood will be better. According to the well revered,, "date" is defined as :

"A social appointment, engagement, or occasion arranged beforehand with another person."

Is coffee cheaper? Is that what's happening? I learn through what I've been through. Not complicated it's simple. I am a cheap date but Starbucks is far too basic for a chick like myself. We have to go somewhere where pastries aren't the only thing available in solid form. Plus how cute can I really look at Starbucks? It's not happening. Stop trying to make it happen.

If neither of you felt some sort of magnetic pull or romantic chemistry if you will, the concept of a date would have never been on the table (pun intended!) Am I right or am I right? Maybe you're testing the waters because you want something to be there so badly, or you want to make certain; either way you're feeling some type of way.


I love you, you hate me – You love me I hate you #WTF

What is up with that aspect of human nature? I mean seriously.

You want what you can’t have, and then when it’s available you no longer want it. Is it the thrill of the chase? A case of fatal attraction? Or is it something more masochistic?

I have always pondered the allure between perfectly nice looking, wonderful girls with big hearts and their obsession with douchebags. What is with that? You treat him amazing and he treats you as carelessly as scarf going out the window of a moving car. Do guys love bitches? Or does he just hate you? And if he hates you why does he keep coming around? Because he can? Because you let him? Because it’s a game? Is that a fun game to be a part of? Maybe he’s totally hot? But how long can you use that excuse, “Well he’s totally inconsiderate and for the large part oblivious to my emotions….but he’s really attractive!!!” Good looks are not an excuse for bad behavior, and even in your mid-20s (yikes!) I realize this is especially easy to overlook/forget. Woman up!

Every guy wants a girl who is bad only for him and every girl wants a bad boy who is good only for her.
— Evette Carter


More so why do self respecting women put up with this type of behavior from guys when they don’t have to? There are plenty of men lining up to treat them well and give them the type of attention they deserve. It boggles my mind. Do you think these women are just not ready for a mature relationship or are they part masochist: having deep seeded, maybe even an unconscious belief that they deserve to be treated terribly. Honestly, how can you put up with that sort of behavior for any long duration of time if you don’t deep down think you are worthy of anything better? These are the glory years of your life – your 20s! Ditch the dude that only sees you when feels like it, complains the whole time, and spend it with your girlfriends or people that ACTUALLY care about you.

Long story short: Don't settle for a bad boy when you deserve a good man.