
Saint Laurent Supreme

The classic le smoking jacket is just one of the defining pieces that solidified Saint Laurent's profound effect on the way we view women's wear today. Besides being visually appeasing, the smoking jacket paved the way for women to wear more masculine styles. The french designer created, and the whole world took note ;) 

I was contacted by the chic UK-based a few weeks ago and asked to style a Saint Laurent fit around the iconic "Fashion fades, style is eternal", designer's smoking jacket. The reason being to honor the exhibition at The Bowes Museum that will present fifty garments, including some iconic pieces from the Russian Collection, the Mondrian dresses and the Tuxedo. The show will also open up a dialogue with the museum's collection, creating a unique sense of narrative around the history of fashion.  If you are in the UK at all this summer this is a MUST see!

aint Laurent has always been a designer whose aesthetic is very similar to my sense of eternal style. The black, the skulls, the one pop of color: nothing says #SkellyKelly more than the above outfit. 

  1. I paired the iconic smoking jacket with the ripped black Saint Laurent skinny jeans. Since this designer was the one that made dressing androgynous socially acceptable I figured it would be wrong to pair this jacket with anything but a pair of a pants.
  2. Secondly, skulls. In order to be true to myself I had to pull the skull print shirt. What goes better with a black jacket and black pants other than skulls? That's right. Nothing.
  3. All black everything needs a pop, specifically a pop of Saint Laurent's 'sac De Jour' Tote. I'm not necessarily feeling black + blue but this fit sure does look like it, and I'm not talking bruises!
  4. Lastly, my favorite accessory of all: 'babies 90' Boots. Skulls, sparkly 90's boots, and Saint Laurent - your girl is in edgy, provocative heaven!

The real question now: Is Saint Laurent the same without Yves? What do you think?


part(y)ing is such sweet sorrow

Blazer: Theory; "The Bags Under My Eyes Are Prada" Tee: My Own; Black Jeans: J.Brand; Necklace: Maxwell; Sunglasses + Shoes: Prada

..but wouldn't it be nice if it didn't always have to be?

This post is a bit more personal than usual. Personal as in I do not normally talk about the people in my life via my blog as I try to keep it strictly fashion oriented, however I felt this necessary to speak on. Change is constant, change is hard. I am rather adaptable to changes, but that doesn't mean I sail through them with great ease either. In my opinion, there are no happy endings, to me, endings are the saddest part. I am thankful for a happy middle and a very happy start. 

This week I celebrated leaving my corporate job in Silicon Valley so that I could pursue my dream of design in NYC. I have been blessed the last year and a half to have been surrounded by not only great co-workers, but people that I am proud to call friends. A special thanks to Shenna Huynh for planning this "Farewell Fashionista Party" on my behalf; your positivity and generosity never cease to amaze me! Obviously, I had to leave "in style" ;) 

These amazing humans that I will miss having in my life everyday: Dave, Patrick, Allene, Marc, Iain (NO HANDS!), Jamie, Gehrig, Rachel, Matt, Or, Lauren, Myself, Shenna (LADY IN RED), Steph waving goodbye to me!

A completely skull themed table, perfect for #SkellyKelly. My move to the bEAST coast is starting to feel real: the car has been sold, my apt is devoid of all furniture except a bed, goodbye parties have been had, and boxes have been packed. I am so excited for this next chapter but I can't help but feel a little sad/scared about everything I am leaving behind. I suppose I should consider myself lucky to have such good friends that I am going to miss so much. I also think that being scared means I am doing something right. To be this young and feel "comfortable", is not what I want for myself or my life.. (queue sailing off into the sunset)

XOXO, all my love.