polka dots

Chambray: Make you feel some type of way

Chambray, just rolls off the tongue, much like champagne or merlot merlot. Perhaps those go on the tongue instead of rolling off? Whateva. If I had it my way I would wear Chambray everyday. However, that would require myself partaking in one of the most arduous tasks (not to mention time consuming) laundry. Who wants to do that? Who has the time to do that? I suppose I could just buy a plethora of chambrays; however I do not think I could justify that and something about it is far too impetuous.  

Alex & Ani Bracelets: www.reeds.com

Click the links below and be transported to purchase:

Chambray Shirt: www.jcrew.com

Polka Dot Pants: www.oldnavy.com

NONSTP Sandals: www.stevemadden.com

Luck Brand Jeans Tank: www.polyvore.com