
stairway railings + book(ing) it

airbnb on 122nd + Broadway (Morningside Heights)

January is always an excellent month for reflection.. or maybe that's just me? Regardless, I'm choosing to reminisce on when I first moved to New York; because as "they" (whoever they are) say, hindsight is 20/20. The above photo is taken in the vanity mirror of the airbnb I got to live in for the first 2 weeks following my arrival while I looked for my own place. I do not find it necessary to relive my experience with airbnb but let's just say that it was so deplorable that I ended up getting my entire 2 week stay ($2K) paid for. My start out in NYC could not have been any more rough.. at least I got this cool vanity mirror to take a #kellfie in :)

Max's Cafe on 122nd + Broadway where I waited 6 hours for airbnb to rectify the situation, @ least I was in great company with these antique couches!

122nd + Broadway (Morningside Heights)

I am always appreciating architecture and especially interiors. Therefore, it's no surprise that I have mad love for this pre-war, brick wall situated within my second airbnb. The wooden sticks make for an interesting atmosphere. By interesting I mean they fell down anytime I shut a door (shut, not slam).. Me thinks they would be better place in a museum.. but what do I know? 

Library (Midtown)

There are many things I like to do when I feel more out of control than usual (let's be honest nobody has control over anything), but moving to NYC and being unexpectedly bounced around had this effect. One of the things I like to do is find the nearest library. Quiet, peaceful, serene. A place where I can be alone with my thoughts in a sincere way. I could spend hours in one just looking at it's interior design and books. Immediately, this one caught my eye. **skull princess** However, despite me initially judging it by it's cover, the book itself was dynamite! The only problem was that I was unable to check it out since I did not have a NY library card. In order to obtain one I had to have an NY address, which I also did not have at the time. I'll never forget the comfort this book gave me during what can only be described as an extremely tumultuous time. Even just sitting there and reading it for an hour calmed me.

The above depicts some of the interiors situated within the captivating Midtown library. The point of this post is that libraries (and their railings.. which have held me up more time than I can count) have always calmed me in one way or another. Be it with books from the libraries, or the libraries themselves. I can't think of one bad memory every happening in a library. Cheers to me not just jinxing that.. :)