
Are You Really Happy? or Just Comfortable? [Dia&Co]

Comfortability, happiness, to many people these terms are seen as synonymous - but are they really? Being comfortable, despite being wonderful, can be a dangerous thing. When you get comfortable you take things for granted without realizing and often get stuck in ruts unable to figure out why. In my experience, the most comfortable people are often the most unhappy. 

This unhappiness is apparent to me in the clothing that people wear, or don't wear. A lot of times our choice in clothing is on auto-pilot and we can find ourselves saying things like, "I could never pull that off," or "Is this really me?" I'm going to tell you all a secret: anyone can pull anything off. It's about silencing that voice in your head that tells you, "Is this too much? Will people get it? What will people think about me since I'm wearing this? Will I come off a certain way?" We all have these thoughts from time to time, yes, even me! 

If you're not familiar with the company, Dia&Co it's time to get familiar. Dia&Co is an online personal styling service exclusively for plus size women styling 12-32. Though not being plus size myself, I deeply admire a company that inspires women of different body types to step outside their heads and the shameful words the fashion industry inflicts on us. "If you're heavy, don't wear horizontal stripes, wear black only it's slimming, never show your stomach unless it's perfectly flat, wear clothes that don't attract attention to your body." We've all heard it, and I for one am OVER it. 

Spotted: kellmenow wearing articles of clothing she was previously afraid of

1) Flares. I used to believe they were only for 5th graders and disco dancers from the 70s. Here I am wearing them. On 2 separate occasions!

2) Crop tops. I used to think by wearing them I would send the message that I was too "full of myself," and everyone would think I was showing off. Now IDGAF what people think.

3) I used to think pairing opposite items, a Nordic Christmas sweater + dominatrix necklace was ghastly. Now I think it's dope!

Inspired by this I decided to try an outfit that I've never worn before. Aren't those the most fun? Before moving to New York, I NEVER wore tights. In fact, I hated them. I thought they accentuated me in all of the wrong places and couldn't be bothered to wear them. For this post I decided to buy a pair of gray tights with a fun pattern from Nordstrom Rock, a pair it with a $20 Burberry skirt I got thrifting, a furry black vest I received interning at Diesel and my favorite shoe to wear around New York, Doc Martens. At first, wearing tights felt weird. I thought everyone could tell I was self conscious in them, but  all of a sudden this weird thing started happening - I started receiving compliments. Shocking? Not really. Your mind is the only thing holding you back - this is applicable to literally everything in life. The only limitations you have are the ones you place on yourself.

Dia&Co has inspired this post in many ways because not only are they a styling service, they are a brand that focuses on a rather underserved market of fashion. Fashion is not just for skinny minis! For $20, Dia&Co sends you five clothing items that you can either send back or choose to purchase, and they exclusively serve plus size women. You can choose your style: edgy, boho, preppy, prints and colors you interested, or perhaps not so interested in. There are a plethora of pricing categories to select and you are able to easily choose one that fits your budget. Each box comes complete with an encouraging note to step outside your comfort zone and, be a little scandalous! 

My encouragement to all of you: Wear an outfit you've never worn. Put something together you've always been nervous to do, and send it to me! I'd love to see.

Bye self restricting thoughts! Get lost! I am working these tights!

XOXO kellygirl