dark pants

Falling for Florals (Part I)

Scuba Top: Aqua; Bracelets; J.Crew; Pants: J.Brand; Photos: Kristine Constantino & Alyssa Leong www.linkedin.com/in/kristineconstantino

Ha! Ha! Ha! I got the wind roaring through my petals like sea men incur the wind in their sails, ladi-dadi-da life is but a d.r.e.a.m! Seriously though, florals are an epidemic and they are taking over the world (or maybe just your favorite boutique.) I've been avidly following LFW (London Fashion Week) and I must say the most "brilliant," usage of color and florals award goes to Peter Pillotto. If only they gave out trophies for that sort of accomplishment, oh well there is a first time for everything (last time for everything.)

I fell for my fluttery floral friends (nice alliteration), right around the time I started frequenting the phrase, "look back @ it!" Which is I would say.. 2009? When my hair was as black as it was long and my thoughts short and fleeting; teenagers man. I've come along way since those blacked out (hair) days, but at least I was on the right track with one element:  f l o r a l s. Now, 5 years later dem flowers are still rockin' that boat. I suppose finding a classic/timeless piece is much like finding, "the one," when you know, you know.

Go on, fall in love with florals, I dare you. In the delicate words of UrbanDictionary.com, "Give 'Em Hell Ladies!"