
what I learned in NYC: the best things in life are black

Oh wait.. I already knew that!

Peplum Top: Anthropologie; Studded Belt & Jacket: BCBG; Black Jeans: J.Brand; Shoes: Target; Rocco Bag: Alexander Rocco; All photos by: Kristine Constantino

As recent as last week I had the pleasure of going to the greatest city in America that needs no introduction (NYC!) A city that sounds so nice they named it twice. When I arrived at Penn Station via Boston, all I could think was, "Wow! I guess I really am a grown-up now." Having the good fortune of working for an incredible company that pays for my travel and desires my expertise in various cities around the country. It's all surreal, don't ask me how it happened..

Okay back to the MAIN point: BLACK BLACK BLACK. The second thought in my mind was radiating that color, everyone was wearing it with little to no discretion, I loved it.

Bright, west coast colors, I have not forsaken you. I have just temporarily replaced you. The blackness in a city that legitimately never sleeps (which I can't attest to, seriously quiet in my  accidentally booked hotel room in Mid-Town,) fluorescent with activities all hours of the day -- don't even get me started on the night! The city is chalk-full of a completely blacked-out population. And man, can they work it. Every individual so impeccably dressed that I even found myself becoming insecure! Then it donned on me, the lack of color was a way of neutralizing the playing ground. Perhaps their personalities are so robust, and their accomplishments so great that they do not need to be, "LOUD," with their clothing. I find this to be as admirable as it is inspiring.

10 great things in my life that happen to be black:

  1. Records
  2. 50 Cent
  3. The gas lever in my car (SUPER IMPORTANTE)
  4. 50% of Giant's Colors
  5. Combat boots
  6. OG Ray Bans
  7. Pen Ink (because pencils are so 2002 and red/blue are too weird)
  8. Jo Malone boxes
  9. My lighter
  10. This fit!

While I have always had the inclination that the best things in life are black, I have to bring out the Kelly Green Rocco -- life is just better with little Alex around. What do you think? What's your favorite color to rocco?